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Vico’s Ring


Luft on the


principle which in Luft’s interpretation concerns orig-

inary socio-linguistic creativity

ex nihilo.

Lollini’s rejoinder is: «Il racconto vi-

chiano delle origini dell’umanità gentile non si basa sull’idea di una creazione

dal nulla, ma sulle concrete pratiche linguistiche e sociali dei proto-umani che

vivono in un particolare e specifico contesto naturale loro dato (Vico’s ac-

count of the origins of gentile [non-Hebrew] humanity is not based on a crea-

tion out of nothing, but on the concrete linguistic and social practices of the

proto-humans that lived in a particular and specific natural environment avail-

able to them)» (Id.,

Natura, ragione e modernità nella Scienza nuova di Vico

, in


zionalità e modernità in Vico

, cit., p. 230; S. Luft’s work is

Uncanny Humanism:

Reading the “New Science”

between Modern and Postmodern

, Ithaca, Cornell Universi-

ty Press, 2003).



, Chapter 20: «The jurisconsults surpass the philosophers be-

cause […] by the power of truth itself they approached Platonism quite una-

wares while doing something else, namely, interpreting the laws». As already

quoted above, Vico went as far as saying that «philosophy follow[s] as a nec-

essary consequence from philology». Cfr. D. Di Cesare,

Parola, logos, dabar

, cit.,

p. 262: «Alla filologia viene attribuito un ruolo fondamentale; essa diviene la

condizione stessa della filosofia. Sulla base della filologia quest’ultima può er-

gersi a «scienza del vero» (A fundamental role is attributed to philology; it be-

comes the condition of possibility itself of philosophy. On the basis of philol-

ogy, the latter can raise itself to «science/knowledge of the true»)».

It is of interest to note that the problematic that Vico grappled with, still

occupies social thinkers today, evidenced by the statement: «I am afraid that

this [using only conceptual analysis and intuition] would condemn philoso-

phers to focus on only half of the story (or maybe even less). […] What phi-

losophers need is a combination of these tools with the methods provided by

the sciences, especially the empirical ones. The alternative is to quickly reach

the limits of what can be achieved by a priori reasoning […]» (F. Guala,


Philosophy of Social Science: Metaphysical



, in «Philosophy Compass»,

2, 2007, 6, pp. 954-980, p. 975-976).


Cristofolini compares the Axiom with a putatively identical statement

by Spinoza (


, II, 7) and observes: «In Vico però non si tratta di un prin-

cipio descrittivo del corso delle cose, ma di un principio prescrittivo per il

corso della scienza (In Vico, however, it does not have to do with a descrip-

tive principle of the course of institutions, but a prescriptive principle for the

course of knowledge acquisition)» (Id.,

La Scienza nuova

di Vico

, cit., p. 81). V.

Vitiello also makes reference to Spinoza, in a discussion of E. Paci’s philoso-

phy, and quotes Paci as pointing out another difference: «Vico differisce da

Spinoza in quanto le idee vichiane sono modi dell’uomo e non di Dio (Vico