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Vico’s Ring



For instance, Axiom LXIX (§ 246): «Governments must conform to

the nature of the men governed»; Axiom XCII (§ 283): «The weak want laws;

the powerful withhold them; the ambitious […] advocate them; princes […]

protect them»; Axiom XCIV (§ 290): «Natural liberty is fiercer in proportion

as property attaches more closely to the persons of its owners […]».


Cfr. a reconstruction of Vico’s «theory of humanization» in A. Blasi,

Vico, Developmental Psychology, and Human Nature,


Vico and Contemporary


, cit., Part 2, pp. 14-39, pp. 22-24.


We are echoing Vico’s concerns, in a different context, expressed in



: «But the same thing comes to pass in this anatomy of things as

does in the ordinary anatomy of the human body: in the latter, even the more

keen-sighted physicists wonder about the condition, structure and function of

the parts of the body, wonder whether because of death […] both the condi-

tion and structure of the living body have perished so that it is impossible to

determine what the function of these parts is» (Chapter 1, § 1; as quoted from

On the Most Ancient Wisdom of the Italians,

cit., p. 21). And we must at least in

passing give recognition that in Vico’s seemingly convoluted style of exposi-

tion, a heroic effort – “heroic” in the usual sense of the word, not in the tech-

nical Vichian sense, either of the age of the “heroes”, or of the lecture

De men-

te eroica


On the heroic mind

) – is evident of mimicking performatively the no less

convoluted epistemic process(es); it is an heroic attempt as no degree of liter-

ary ingenuity can ever hope to attain to the level of gnoseological ingenuity

that is involved.


Original Italian terms found in

La Scienza nuova. Le tre edizioni,

cit., p.



§ 7, p. 6 of the Bergin/Fisch translation. The original Italian is from


Scienza nuova. Le tre edizioni

, cit., p. 789, where «Scienza» is highlighted typo-

graphically by both italics and capital initial.


According to P. Giraud, in forms of the verb «ridurre», in §§ 3, 4, 14,

17, 248, 486, 539, 734. See Id.,

La difficulté de la philologie dans la pensée de Vico

, in

Vico nella storia della filologia

, cit., pp. 117-138, p. 138, footnote 57. As Girard

points out, it refers there to (the arduous work of) turning wilderness into cul-

tivated land; the idea is not of making something less quantitively or qualita-

tively, but of mastery. If mastery is understood in a broad, even metaphorical

sense, it might also be applicable to the two contexts of the verb in § 734 that

are non-agricultural: (1) «thus give some certainty to the chronology of poetic

history (

da redurvi a certezza de’ tempi la Storia Poetica

)»; (2) «reduces them [the

plebs] to obedience (

reduce in ufizio

)» (For the original Italian, see




nuova. Le tre edizioni

, cit., pp. 1115, 1116). In both instances, «reducing» in-

volves types of mastery, be they intellectual or spiritual, in bringing about a