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Vico’s Ring


Notes to Chapter 8


As stated before, we are always referring to the 1744 edition, and will

specifically identify the 1725 and 1730 editions as such.


As a matter of fact, B. A. Haddock felt this way: «the “discovery of the

true Homer” […] is best regarded as an appendix to the theses advanced in

[Book II]» (Id.,

Vico’s “Discovery of the True Homer”: A Case-Study in Historical


, in «Journal of the History of Ideas», 40, 1979, 4, pp. 583-602, p.



Papini, while not advocating the same kind of ring structure presented

here, places Book III at the center of a diagram of the work’s five “books”,

explaining: «[…] cioè il

Libro terzo

rappresenta non un’appendice del

Libro se-


dedicato all’età degli eroi, ma il punto centrale o asse portante di tutto il

sistema speculativo vichiano ([…] namely,

Book III

constitutes, not an appen-

dix to

Book II

devoted to the age of the heroes, but the central point or the

underpinning of Vico’s entire speculative system)» (Id.,

Il geroglifico della storia


cit., p. 312).


The following are a few of the more significant references, based on

The First New Science,

ed. and trans. by L. Pompa, Cambridge-New York,

Cambridge University Press, 2000, including paragraph numbering (which fol-

lows F. Nicolini’s system of numbered paragraphs, see


, p. XLVI), namely:

Book I, Chapter X, § 34; Book II, Chapter LII [LIII], § 203; Chapter LV

[LVII], § 207; Chapter LX [LXI], § 221; Chapter LXIII [LXIV], §§ 236, 240;

Book III, Chapter XIII, § 275; Chapter XIV, § 277; Chapter XV, §§ 282, 284;

Chapter XVII [XVIII], § 288; Chapter XVIII [XIX], § 293; Chapter XX

[XXI], §§ 295-297; Chapter XXV [XXVI], §§ 311, 312; Chapter XXVI

[XXVII], §§ 313-315.



. Cristofolini summed up the contrast between the two editions:


Scienza nuova prima


come i lettori di Vico sanno, la

Discoverta del vero


non c’è. Quello che nelle due successive versioni sarà il terzo libro, bre-

ve, centrale, quasi nel posto del cuore, qui non si trova nemmeno in forma di

capitoletto o paragrafo, l’espressione stessa,



, che Vico ripeterà con

tanta fierezza nel corso degli anni più tardi, non si è ancora affacciata. […] Ma

questi elementi non fanno corpo unitario né confluiscono nel riconoscimento

del carattere universale dell’autore dell’


e dell’


; questo accadrà solo

a partire dal 1730 (In the

First New Science

, as readers of Vico know, there is no

Discovery of the True Homer.

The material that will in the two subsequent ver-

sions become the third, short, central book, in effect placed at the heart of it,

cannot be found here even in the form of a short chapter or paragraph; the


Discovery etc.

itself that Vico will repeat with such pride during later

years, is not yet introduced. […] But these elements do not make up a unified