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Vico’s Ring


cal) economy” in the sense of the discipline of economics came into use only

in the course of the 18


century)» (Id.,


, cit., p. XCIV). The

Hösle/Jermann translation uses the expressions «Lehre von der Ordnung der

Familie (doctrine on the family arrangement)», «familiäre Zucht (order/rule in

the family)», and «Familienordnung (family arrangement/structure)», respec-


The Spanish translation says «De la economía poética», but adds in a foot-

note: «Es la doctrina del gobierno de la familia (It is the doctrine of ruling the

family)» (see

Ciencia nueva

, trans. by R. de la Villa, prologue by J. M. Romey

Beccaria, intro. by L. Pompa, trans. of intro. by S. Diaz Sepulveda, Madrid,

Editorial Tecnos, 2006, p. 337; the French translation says «Économique

poétique» (see

Principes d’une Science Nouvelle relative à la Nature Commune des Na-


, trans. by A. Pons, Paris, Fayard, 2001, p. 241).

Cristofolini also highlights the archaic sense of Vico’s language: «Il passag-

gio dalla morale all’iconomica – e preferiamo andare avanti con la parola ar-

caica del linguaggio vichiano, a scanso di ogni equivoco e sovrapposizione con

l’economia politica, scienza di lì a poco fiorente, dalla quale Vico è però lon-

tano anni luce – […] ( The passage from morals to «iconomica» – and we pre-

fer to continue using the archaic word of Vico’s language, for the sake of

avoiding any misunderstanding and overlapping [of meaning] with the politi-

cal economy, a discipline then already flourishing a little, of which Vico how-

ever was lightyears away – […])» (Id.,

La Scienza nuova

di Vico

, cit., p. 121). See

also Cristofolini’s further comments on this Section


, pp. 121-124.

L. Haddad aptly observed: «There is a small section (IV) in

The New Science

entitled “Poetic Economy” which deals with the evolution of a primitive

economy, but it contains very little that may be explicitly termed pure eco-

nomic analysis» (Id.,

The Evolutionary Economics of Giambattista Vico

, in

Altro Po-

lo: Italian Economics Past and Present

, ed. by P. Groenewegen and J. Halevi, Syd-

ney, University of Sydney, 1983, pp. 17-30, p. 19).

The “Poetic Economy” is also discussed in G. Mazzotta,

The New Map of

the World

, cit., pp. 185-187, and termed «the politics of the household» (p.



Vico’s lifelong precarious financial circumstances and struggle to raise

and support a large family cannot but have made him only too acutely aware

of economic imperatives (see M. Sanna,

Le epistole vichiane e la nascita dell’idea di

scienza nuova

, in «BCSV», XXIV-XXV, 1994-1995, pp. 119-129, p. 129).


An opposite view is taken by A. Pipa,

Economy in Vico’s System

, in


Past and Present

, cit., pp. 145-156. Through a close reading of these statements,

Pipa comes to the view that «[a] reading of the

New Science

with particular at-

tention of its economic element shows that it permeates Vico’s theory of his-