Francesco Piro

Dipartimento di Filosofia - Università degli Studi di Salerno
e-mail: effepiro[at]libero[dot]it

L’ammirazione in Cartesio e Spinoza. Classificazione degli affetti e costituzione dello spazio antropologico

Citation standard ISO 690-2
PIRO, Francesco. L’ammirazione in Cartesio e Spinoza. Classificazione degli affetti e costituzione dello spazio antropologico. Laboratorio dell’ISPF [online]. 2009, vol. VI, 1/2 [cited ...]. Available from Internet: ISSN 1824-9817.

[Admiration in Descartes and Spinoza. Classification of the emotions and constitution of the anthropological space]. The status of «Admiration» in Descartes and Spinoza is illustrated by F. Piro as an index of different anthropological options, concerning the relationships between emotions and rationality and the role that they play in social, political and religious behavior. The differences in metaphysical assumptions that separate the two thinkers as well as the internal evolution of their thinking are enucleated under such perspective. In the background there are at least three main philosophical issues: (i) the classic issue of the «primary» emotions (also in the current form of a question about the «anthropological universals»); (ii) the issue of the existence and nature of moral sentiments and, at the end, (iii) that of the status of the «admirable» or «amazing» in the age of the scientific revolution.

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