Ruggero Cerino
ISPF-CNR – Napoli
– Strumenti informatici per indici dei nomi. Come creare un indice analitico con MS-WORD
Citation standard ISO 690-2
CERINO, Ruggero. Strumenti informatici per indici dei nomi. Come creare un indice analitico con MS-WORD. Laboratorio dell’ISPF [online]. 2011, vol. VIII [cited …]. Available from Internet: ISSN 1824-9817.
[Computer tools for indexes of names. How to realize an analytical index with MS-WORD]. The article proposes computer tools useful to set up indexes of names for texts of any measure, in an automatic or semi-automatic way. Macros for Microsoft Word successfully experimented by the ISPF in dealing with philosophical journals and books are submitted. The article includes listings that can be copied for implementation.